10 Surprising Facts About The Great Dane




Surprising facts about the Great Dane


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The Great Dane is a dog that seems to capture attention wherever it goes, stopping traffic and drawing crowds.

When well-bred, this dog is tall, chiseled and muscular in form, with a regal bearing. The qualities and characteristics of a well-bred Great Dane reflect the hundreds of years of careful breeding that has gone into the making of this magnificent creature.

With popular media being what it is, as well as the legend and lore that accompanies the Great Dane, sometimes it can be difficult to know what is true and what is false when it comes to this huge breed of dog.

Here are 10 surprising facts about the Great Dane:

#1 Apartment life is just fine for Great Danes

Despite their size, according to the AKC, life in an apartment can suit a Great Dane really well. They are not as high energy as other breeds, but despite their couch potato ways, daily exercise is important.

A brisk half hour walk a day will do, especially if complemented with some run time at a dog park or secure area a few times a week.

No fenced area? A 50-foot training leash and a ball can help your Dane keep fit!

#2 Great Danes grow incredibly fast!

Within a span of just 1 year, Great Danes go from just a handful of fluffy puppy to being able to stand up on their hind legs and look a 6-foot tall man eye-to-eye.

During their rapid growth spurts, Great Dane puppies can be visibly bigger after a night’s sleep!

#3 Great Danes don’t eat that much

A full grown Great Dane eats about 2-3 cups of dry dog food in a meal.

Too much protein isn’t recommended for Great Danes, especially with puppies, as growing faster than they already do can damage bones and joints. Rather than the high-protein, quick-grow type puppy foods, they should have an adult food with no more than 23 percent protein.

#4 Great Danes can be remarkably gentle.

That is, once the period of rapid growth passes and they gain full control of their body, bringing an end to accidental injuries due to clumsiness. Many Danes share their homes with small dogs and cats.

Great Danes have a well-deserved reputation for being wonderful with children and sometimes work as therapy dogs. However, no animal should be fully trusted with young children, especially one of such a size that a single mistake could be tragic.

#5 They must have people

Great Danes are an extremely sensitive breed and do not fare well without close contact with their human family. Living outside in a doghouse can destroy a Great Dane, make him mentally unstable, depressed, and even aggressive.

But who would want to keep a Great Dane outside? Or at least in the Mystery Machine!

#6 Anxiety can kill Great Danes

There is increasing evidence that bloat, a condition in which the stomach gets air in it and twists, or torsions, is related to anxiety.

Bloat can be serious in a Great Dane, becoming critical in less than an hour.

Make sure to learn the symptoms and, if considering this breed, consider how much time per day the dog will have to be alone.

#7 Great Danes tend to be a lady’s dog

Nothing against guys, but Great Danes tend to favour the female of the family. It is believed they respond better to the calmer and kinder mannerisms of women over men, which is also shown in training as they do not respond well to hard correction or training methods.

Like the lady of the family, Great Danes are emotionally sensitive creatures.

#8 Great Danes can be shockingly aggressive

Modern breeders have worked hard to eliminate the centuries of breeding for the aggression necessary to hunt such prey as wild boar.

While they’ve met with great success, poorly bred Danes can display dangerous throwback temperament traits. Not every Dane is Scooby Doo friendly! Especially when they’re overdue their Scooby snacks.

Never approach a Great Dane on the assumption of friendliness, especially if the Dane is accompanied by the children in his family. The drive to protect the youngsters of the pack from perceived danger isn’t something that is so easily bred out.

#9 Great Danes are NOT the tallest dog breed

Although the current holder of the world record for tallest dog is a 42-inch tall Great Dane called Zeus, it’s actually the Irish Wolfhound breed which tends to be tallest on average, although lighter in weight.

#10 Many Great Danes are thrown away

People don’t seem to understand that Great Danes are giant, powerful dogs. We’re all guilty of puppy adoration, and all dog owners understand how trying puppies can get, and this is the same for Great Danes.

One of the commonest periods for this breed to be surrendered to a shelter or rescue organisation is after they are 9 months old, as people neglect to factor in the potentials of a still rapidly growing giant dog that, because of his age, still acts like a crazy puppy.

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One response to “10 Surprising Facts About The Great Dane”

  1. Russell Avatar

    I rescued a great Dane about 10 months ago.

    He was eating road kill on a street that is usually very busy. I knew he was still pretty much a puppy but didn’t realize how young until much later. His size threw me off bcuz his mannerisms were that of a much younger dog.

    When I rescued him it was very apparent that whoever he got away from had been abusing him bcuz his bones were sticking out everywhere on his body. He had a thin harness on that I ended up cutting off of him. When putting him in my truck he smelled like people had been urinating on him.

    When I called animal control the next morning the lady told me where to post my finding him so the owners could claim him. That’s when I stopped and told her never mind bcuz if whoever had been abusing him were to call and claim him they might get shot. To be sure he wasn’t going to be abused any longer I decided to keep him , but I would look out for anybody looking for him. Apparently nobody missed him enuff to look for him.

    How someone could be so cruel to abuse any animal is beyond me, but whoever was abusing this sweet dog has a huge price to pay with karma. He is the most laid back coolest dog. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t make me laugh. With what I dealing with in life rite now this dog came into my life at the perfect time. Bcuz of him I’m able to maintain my sanity and keep myself in check. So it’s a matter of me thinking he rescued me.

    In the time he has been with me and what I have learned about great Danes tells me that he was about 5 months old when I got him. His clumsiness is getting better and he gets along with my other 3 dogs. Out of the 4 of them he is always near me. If I get up he gets up and follows. I should have named him shadow instead of Maxwell. Just the way he is tells me that he appreciates and what I’ve been doing for him. He is the coolest dog ever. He learns very quick and stays on the property where I live. When I call for him he is always close by unlike my other 3. Especially my female Siberian Husky. That one goes on her walkabouts almost daily. It’s a good thing where I live there is a lot of property around us and not many fences. Plus we are on a private road off of the county road.

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